SAf bjuder in till CPD-seminarium om långlevnad den 11 december

Datum och tid: 11 december 2024, kl 14.00 till 16.30.

Lokal: Lärosal 4, Campus Albano hus 1, Stockholms universitet

Subject: Clinical and actuarial perspectives on longevity

Detta seminarium ger relativt djupa insikter inom ämnet långlevnad och är en möjlig CPD-aktivitet för föreningens medlemmar. Formatet är två föredrag av inbjudna specialister följt av en avslutande diskussion i dialog mellan talarna och deltagarna i seminariet. Medlemmar uppmuntras att aktivt delta i diskussionen för att få ut mesta möjliga av seminariet.

Seminariet kommer att hållas på engelska och till seminariet går det även bra att bjuda in intresserade icke-medlemmar.

Kl. 14.00-15.00: Karin Modig, Karolinska institutet

Title: Trends in life expectancy, maximum age at death and health among the older population in Sweden.

Abstract: Never before has age at death been more predictable than today. The ages at which we die are becoming increasingly compressed in the population and almost everyone is getting old. But what about the maximum age, is it increasing? Will it increase? And why are we living longer? How has health evolved in parallel with longer life?

Bio: Karin Modig is an associate Professor in Epidemiology and senior Lecturer at the unit of Epidemiology at IMM, at Karolinska Institutet. Her research group, Ageing and Health, perform research about ageing, longevity and the health of the ageing population.

Kl. 15.00-16.00: Julien Tomas, SCOR

Title: Prospective mortality scenarios modelling by cause of death.

Abstract: The past is no longer necessarily the right compass for the future. Moving from traditional mortality forecasts to prospective scenarios modelling by cause of death helps actuaries to stay ahead of the curve when assessing longevity risk.

Bio: Julien Tomas is a senior R&D actuary focusing on statistical analysis and predictive modelling on biometric risk at SCOR – Sweden RE for the last 9 years. He holds a Ph.D in applied mathematics from the University of Amsterdam, the Netherlands.



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