Medlemsmöte 16 oktober – Actuarial & risk communication: an introduction on how to better interact with your business partners

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Datum och plats: 16 oktober 2018, kl 17.00.

Finansinpektionen, Brunnsgatan 3


Actuarial & risk communication: an introduction on how to better interact with your business partners

In this presentation, the topic of actuarial and risk communication at a broader level will be handled. Actuarial/Risk reporting is surely a part of it, still actuarial and risk communication relates to how everyone and especially actuaries/risk managers express themselves and also listen to their business partners regarding actuarial and risk topics/issues, may it be the board, the operational units, the audit team, the regulator, etc. Having to communicate with a wide range of target groups represents a considerable challenge because it relates to not only “what” is being communicated but also to “how” it is communicated. An efficient actuarial and risk communication requires skills that usually are not taught in standard actuarial/risk management programs.

During the presentation, some common communication patterns will be addressed in order to increase the awareness of the participants. Also, you will be invited to be active in practical interactions with each other so that you know how to tackle your next actuarial/risk communication challenge. At the end of the presentation, you will take home a summary of concrete ”take-aways” that you can use in your day-to-day work with the goal of improving the interaction you have with your business partners, thus improving the overall actuarial and risk communication and the efficiency of the risk management system at a company level.

Föredraget kommer att hållas på svenska.

About Caroline

Caroline Grégoire is a business coach, moderator and speaker. She started CG4 Coaching after 23 years of experience in the (re)insurance, risk and actuarial fields. Working in international settings and travelling around the globe are favorite hobbies of hers. Caroline is an associate member of the Swedish Actuarial Society and a member of the German Speakers Association. She is a certified NLP Business Practitioner and a business and resilience coach according to the H.B.T. (Human Balance Training) method. More on:

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17.00 – 17.15 – Tid för mingel. I samband med mötet bjuds det på smörgås / smoothie / kaffe.
17.15 – 18.00 – Presentation
18.00 – sent   – Utskottet för nätverkande organiserar en AW. AW kommer att vara på Kung Carls Bakficka.

Mötet är kostnadsfritt. I samband med mötet bjuds det på smörgås/smoothie/kaffe.


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