Medlemsmöte 13 feb – Advanced Analytics for Life Insurers
Inbjudan till medlemsmöte
Datum och plats: 13 februari 2019, kl 17.00.
Finansinspektionen, Brunnsgatan 3
Advanced Analytics for Life Insurers
The use of advanced analytics by life insurers is becoming increasingly common. Insurers in many markets are using techniques such as Generalised Linear Models or Machine Learning to derive multifactor bases for assumptions such as mortality risk and policyholder lapse, surrender and paid-ups.
In this seminar, we explain the methodology underlying the most common multifactor methods used. We then look at various case studies of their use in respect of mortality and surrender modelling, and how these models are applied by insurers to improve profitability and financial management. The seminar focuses on practical usage aspects.
The presentation will be led by Matthew Edwards, an actuary with Willis Towers Watson. He has pioneered the application of advanced analytics in the UK life insurance market over the last ten years, and has presented numerous times at professional events on the topic. The presentation will be held in English.
17.00 – 17.15 – Tid för mingel. I samband med mötet bjuds det på smörgås / smoothie / kaffe.
17.15 – 18.00 – Presentation
18.00 – sent – Utskottet för nätverkande organiserar en AW. AW kommer att vara på Kung Carls Bakficka.
Mötet är kostnadsfritt. I samband med mötet bjuds det på smörgås/smoothie/kaffe.
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